Virtual Fundraising for the 2024 Season

Virtual Fundraising allows our athletes the opportunity to use their resources to the fullest.

What are the Benefits of Virtual Fundraising?

  • Creates potential for more support.
  • We provide transactional tracking for each athlete.
  • Multiple fundraising options.
  • Faster Delivery.
  • Fundraiser Tracker.


Locate your Athlete

Using the athlete's team (ex. 8U) and name select the athlete you are supporting.

Choose Your Support

Support your athlete by using Krispy Kreme, Double Good or through Sponsorship.

Make your contribution

Render payment with your choice of credit card for the athlete you are supporting!


Each digital Krispy Kreme Certificate profits the athlete $5 and is sent to the email given.

(Please be sure to choose the proper team and athlete name so your intended athlete receives credit. )


Each athlete receives a guarantee of 50% profit of their sales.

(Please get your athlete to provide you with their personal link and make sure their Team Name and their name is in their Pop Up Store ex. 8U -  John Doe's Pop Up Store )


100% of sponsorships and buyouts are applied to the athletes account.

(Please be sure to choose the proper team and athlete name so your intended athlete receives credit. )

This fundraising period has expired. Please check back for when the next fundraising period begins.

Fundraising FAQs

The Krispy Kreme certificates are $13 each for a minimum profit of $5 per certificate.  Ex. 10 certificates will cost $130 for a minimum profit of $50.

Our cost/profit structure is based on the current Krispy Kreme  pricing model as of 6/1/2023.  If there are any changes made to the pricing that will allow for additional profits, the additional funds will be applied to the athletes account.

Using the email address submitted in the online form we will digitally send the Krispy Kreme certificates to your supporter on your behalf.

Ex.  If you sell 10 Krispy Kreme certificates.  Your minimum profit will be $50 leaving a potential balance of $50. (Note: Fundraising balances may vary by program or athlete.)

  • You can use the buyout option to satisfy the remaining balance.
  • You can also have someone use the link to sponsor your athlete with a donation.  Just give them the Team Name and Athlete Name.

To pay online there is a small convenience fee which is only avoidable if you turn in your funds in person.  Using our VIRTUAL FUNDRAISING OPTION helps to ensure your supporters receive their certificates in a timely fashion.

You will receive the Krispy Kreme certificates via email 2-3 business days after our final collection date.   It will be the responsbility of the supported athlete to follow up with their supporters as we provide reports on your donations and distribution of digital Krispy Kreme certificates.

Yes, we will post a turn in date in the Team Snap calendar for all those athletes choosing to turn their funds in in-person.

Note: The date will be closely aligned to the digital distribution calendar and we must have a minimum of 25 certificates ordered as an organization.

The last day to turn in funds for the Mandatory Fundraiser will be posted on the Team Snap calendar.