In support of Breast Cancer Awareness, fans, athletes and cheerleaders wear pink! The football team and cheer team with the most pink will be celebrated by winning a special treat!

Breast Cancer Warrior Recognition

At the end of each game we will recognize our Breast Cancer Warriors. Click the button below to share your name or the name of someone else you want recognized

Note: 6U recognition will be held at the end of 10U Orange’s 11am game.

BCA Pink Out Gear

Purchase a custom Breast Cancer shirt to join us for Pink Out Saturday. You have two options to pick from. They will be available for pickup this week before the game.

Turn our field Pink

Help us turn our house Pink as we celebrate and support our Breast Cancer Warriors. We will need help lining the field, running concession and making sure our warriors feel supported on our Pink Out Saturday.

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

In the month of October of every year we take time out to recognize and support those who have been affected by Breast Cancer.  As an organization this battle is very personal to us as one of our founders, Carolyn W. Boyer, was a Breast Cancer Warrior and she lost her battle on October 31, 2015.  Carolyn is the reason we wear the sunflower.

On October 13th we will be joining Making Strides of Peninsula for their Breast Cancer Walk.  The walk will be at the Newport News Park Shelters 19 and 20 located at 13560 Jefferson Ave Newport News, VA. Opening Ceremony is at 1pm .