Important Information
Report Time
- For your flights please allow time for bag check and security. Arrive to the airport at a minimum of 2 hours before flight departure. For all athletes, parents and staff that booked with Spirit through the organization see the dashboard on this page for flight information.
- For tournament check-in, ALL athletes must check in together. The earlier you check in the better.
- For games and practices, please arrive promptly for your report time as this can impact the outcome of your games. Each head coach and or team parent will provide you with this information.
Baggage Checklist
This suggested baggage checklist is to support the recommendations already provided by the Team Parent and or Head Coach. A Large Duffle Bag is recommended instead of a suitcase. Please defer to the recommendations of your team in the event of any conflicts.
Book Bag
- Chrome Book
- School work
- Mask
- Tablets
- Cellphone Chargers
- Asthma Pumps
Checked Bag
- Helmet
- Shoulder Pads
- All selected Game Uniforms
- Black Game Socks
- Cleats
- 2023 Practice Jersey
- Compression Shirts
- Slides
- 7 pair of Regular Socks
- Belt for jeans
- 5 Shirts & 5 Pants or Joggers
- Hoodie
- Swimming Trunks
- 2 Washcloths
- 7 Underwear/Boxers
- Towel
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Soap
- Lotion
- Deodorant
- Mouthwash
- Mesh Laundry Bag
Game Tickets
There is an entry fee into the games please click on the link below to purchase tickets to the 2023 UYFL XII Nationals Championship tournament.
Spirit Bag Requirements
With your ticket purchase you will have one personal item (book bag) and one checked bag (Large duffle bag). Your checked bag should NOT exceed 40 lbs and no more than 62 linear inches in size. Click here for more details.
Downloadable Flight Itinerary